Nerisson — Freelance Webdesigner Strasbourg. Direction Artistique / Motion design / Illustration., Nerisson — Freelance Webdesigner Strasbourg. Direction Artistique / Motion design / Illustration.


Starmatic is a free application available on the App Store for iPhone & iPod Touch. You can take photos and put vintage filters. This website is responsive and presents the features of the app.

My Role
  • Art direction
  • Ui design
  • Web design


The client wanted to highlight the possibilities of her app through a one page site. After discussion, I oriented  the client to a full screen navigation, for a better valorization of his project.

A full screen site with a system of “slides” is more interesting in his case. The navigation reminds of a photo slideshow where each page is a function of the application.


A fullscreen navigation where each page represents a feature of the application.


App description, 1 slideshow, 2 call to action buttons to download the application on the AppStore.


When the user clicks on the previous/next button or on one button in the menu, an animation that simulates the change of a photo diapositive starts.


To stay in the context of photography, I applied a rotation effect when the user hovers a previous/next.


Once the user has seen all the pages he can download the app.

Overview of filters

We present the user some thumbnails in order to get an overview of available filters.


Because to share is important.


A page of reviews is available to encourage the user to download the app on his smartphone.


The user can view the website on his smartphone.